5.1 Inter-Coder Agreement
Hayes & Krippendorff (2007, p. 79) argue that a good measure of the agreement should at least address five criteria. The first is that it should apply to many coders, and not only two. Also, when we use the method for more coders, there should be no difference in how many coders we include. The second is that the method should only take into account the actual number of categories the coders used and not all that were available. This as while the designers designed the coding scheme on what they thought the data would look like, the coders use the scheme based on what the data is. Third, it should be numerical, meaning that we can use it to make a scale between 0 (absence of agreement) and 1 (perfect agreement). Fourth, it should be appropriate for the level of measurement. So, if our data is ordinal or nominal, we should not use a measure that assumes metric data. This ensures that the metric uses all the data and that it does not add or not use other information. Fifth, we should be able to compute (or know), the sampling behaviour of the measure.
With these criteria in mind, we see that popular methods, such as % agreement or Pearson’s r, can be misleading. Especially for the latter - as it is a quite popular method - this often leads to problems, as Krippendorff (2018) shows:
![Perfect Disagreement between Two Coders [@Krippendorff2004a]](_main_files/figure-html/figure-observers-tikz-1.png)
Figure 5.1: Perfect Disagreement between Two Coders (Krippendorff, 2018)
Here, Figure 5.1 shows, on the left, two coders: A and B. The dots in the figure show the choices both coders made, while the dotted line shows the line of perfect agreement. If a dot is on this line, it means that both Coder A and Coder B made the same choice. In this case, they disagreed in all cases. When Coder A chose a, Coder B chose e, when Coder A chose b, Coder B chose a, and so on. Yet, when we would calculate Pearson’s r for this, we would find a result as shown on the right-hand side of the figure. Seen this way, the agreement between both coders does not seem a problem at all. The reason for this is that Pearson’s r works with the distances between the categories without taking into account their location. So, for a positive relationship, the only thing Pearson’s r requires is that for every increase or decrease for one coder, there is a similar increase or decrease for the other. This happens here with four of the five categories. The result is thus a high Pearson’s r, though the actual agreement should be 0.
Pearson’s r thus cannot fulfil all our criteria. A measure that can is Krippendorff’s \(\alpha\) (Krippendorff, 2018). This measure can not only give us the agreement we need, but can also do so for nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio level data, as well as data with many coders and missing values. Besides, we can compute 95% confidence intervals around \(\alpha\) using bootstrapping, which we can use to show the degree of uncertainty around our reliability estimates.
Despite this, Krippendorff’s \(\alpha\) is not free of problems. One main problem occurs when coders agree on only a few categories and use these categories a considerable number of times. This leads to an inflation of \(\alpha\), making it is higher than it should be (Krippendorff, 2018), as in the following example:
![Possible Inflation of Krippendorff's` $\alpha$ [@Krippendorff2004a]](_main_files/figure-html/figure-kripp-tikz-1.png)
Figure 5.2: Possible Inflation of Krippendorff’s` \(\alpha\) (Krippendorff, 2018)
Here, the top left of the figure shows coders A and B, who have to code into three categories: 0, 1, or 2. In this example, categories 1 and 2 carry a certain meaning, while category 0 means that the coders did not know what to assign the case to. Of the 86 cases, both coders code 80 cases in the 0 category. This means that there are only 6 cases on which they can agree or disagree about a code that carries some meaning. Yet, if we calculate \(\alpha\), the result - 0.686 - takes into account all the categories. One solution for this is to add up categories 1 and 2, as the figure in the middle shows. Here, the coders agree in 84 of the 86 cases (on the diagonal line) and disagree in only 2 of them. Calculating \(\alpha\) now shows that it would increase to 0.789. Finally, we can remove the 0 category and again view 1 and 2 as separate categories (as the most right-hand figure shows). Yet, the result of this is quite disastrous. While the coders agree in 3 of the 4 cases, the resulting \(\alpha\) equals 0.000, as coder B did not use category 1 at all.
Apart from these issues, Krippendorff’s \(\alpha\) is a stable and useful measure. A value of \(\alpha\) = 1 indicates perfect reliability, while a value of \(\alpha\) = 0 indicates the absence of reliability. This means that if \(\alpha\) = 0, there is no relationship between the values. It is possible for \(\alpha\) < 0, which means that the disagreements between the values are larger than they would be by chance and are systematic. As for thresholds, Krippendorff (2018) proposes to use either 0.80 or 0.67 for results to be reliable. Such low reliability often has many causes. One thing might be that the coding scheme is not appropriate for the documents. This means that coders had categories that they had no use for, and lacked categories they needed. Another reason might be that the coders lacked training. Thus, they did not understand how to use the coding scheme or how the coding process works. This often leads to frustration on part of the coders, as in these cases the process often becomes time-consuming and too demanding to carry out.
To calculate Krippendorff’s \(\alpha\), we can use the following software:
- KALPHA custom dialogue (SPSS)
- kalpha user-written package (Stata)
- KALPHA macro (SAS)
command inkripp.boot
package (R) - amongst others
Let us try this in R using an example. Here, we will look at the results of a coding reliability test where 12 coders assigned the sentences of the 1997 European Commission work programme in the 20 categories of a policy areas coding scheme. We can find the results for this on GitHub. To get the data, we tell R where to find it, then to read that file as a .csv file and write it to a new object:
urlfile = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SCJBruinsma/qta-files/master/reliability_results.csv"
reliability_results <- read_csv(url(urlfile), show_col_types = FALSE)
Notice that in the data frame we created, the coders are in the columns and the sentences in the rows. As the kripp.boot
package requires it to be the other way around and in matrix form, we first transpose the data and then place it in a matrix. Finally, we run the command and specify we want the nominal version:
reliability_results_t <- t(reliability_results)
reliability <- as.matrix(reliability_results_t)
kalpha <- kripp.boot(reliability, iter = 1000, method = "nominal")
Note also that kripp.boot
is a GitHub package. You can still calculate the value (but without the confidence interval) with another package:
reliability_results_t <- t(reliability_results)
reliability <- as.matrix(reliability_results_t)
kalpha <- KrippAlpha(reliability, method = "nominal")
As we can see, the results point out that the agreement among the coders is 0.634 with an upper limit of 0.650 and a lower limit of 0.618 which is short of Krippendorff’s cut-off point of 0.667.